Betao Group AB

Our creations

Throughout the years we’ve planned, created and launched products enhancing the entrepreneur market in France.

Take a look

Portail Auto-Entrepreneur

Leader in helping to create a self-organization, the Portal team guides and accompanies each self-entrepreneur to get rid of the administrative, and focuses on the development of his/her project.


And because trust, human bond and reassurance are paramount when dare to start, all customers have their own advisor. The goal? That each person can move on quickly and serenly!

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Mon Portail

Manage your micro-business easily with our complete management and invoicing software. Need help with your day-to-day operations ? My Portal is free until your business is successful !


You can now write, send and store all your invoices, quotes and credit notes simply and in full compliance from your dashboard. You will also find partner offers and missions that will help you find clients.

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Dedicated to entrepreneurs, Educademy offers 100% online training courses that are eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF) and Pôle emploi funding.


Thanks to its course modules, learning how to run a business becomes fun and accessible. In this way, we enable entrepreneurs to obtain the skills they need to succeed in their project and to feel more confident in their business.​

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With the same vocation of accompaniment and simplification of business creation processes as the Portail Auto-Entrepreneur, but with a different scope, Simplitoo focuses on other legal statuses.


The consultants are there to lighten the spirit of the entrepreneurs and manage from A to Z their launch of SARL, SAS, EI and EURL. Simplitoo is also an online tool for billing and tracking expenses to offer more and more service, peace of mind, and the key word... sim-pli-ci-ty!

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